Arts For Future

arts for future

Nurturing the Planet through Arts


Arts for Future supports the actions of transparent organisations that use the funding received entirely to their actions.


World Première of the Arts For Future exhibition at Xposure 2025!

Xposure is the largest and most prominent photography and film expo and festival in the world.

We at Arts For Future are honoured and proud to be part of this great event celebrating the world première of the very first art exhibition showing what we have been creating for the last few years.

Arts For Future photographer and co-creator Andrea Belluso will be present at the exhibition at Xposure in Sharjah, UAE, from the 20th to the 26th of February 2025.

Andrea Belluso will also be holding a keynote speech about Arts For Future during the afternoon of the 20th of February.


Arts For Future

is an eclectic photography project including graphic art, dance, painting, sculpture, fashion, floral arrangements, beauty and much more aimed at contributing to some of the actions that are being taken to heal the Earth through transparent organisations that do not waste any of the funds received on high salaries, expensive offices and other expenses that are not vital to the actions taken to heal the Planet.

Arts For Future is a story told in pictures and divided in “chapters” with totally different visual languages but with the common thread of nurturing the Planet through arts.

The first chapter, “The Personification of Nature” initially supported the actions of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation ( )through the sale of limited edition photographic prints. Later on, when we discovered the truly unique way that the group of biologists also known as Amigos de Calakmul are contributing to the Mexican rainforest of Calakmul and to our planet, we chose to only collaborate with charitable foundations and organisations where at least 70% of the proceeds go to the final cause; no salaries, no offices and no expenses other than those directly related to contributing to the biosphere of the rain forests.

The second chapter, shot in the rainforest of Calakmul in Mexico in April 2021, contributes to Amigos de Calakmul, an association of biologists that have been creating something unique in the world concerning the protection and restauration of the biodiversity of the forest, the prevention the sale of private land in the rainforest that far too often results in burning the trees (and thus also destroying the biodiversity) in order to create crops and pastures that are harmful not ony to the rainforest of Calakmul but to the planet at large.

Worldwide Première of the art exhibition at Xposure in Sharjah, UAE from the 20th to the 26th of February ( )

Arts For Future is an invitation to create change through beauty which is a much more powerful tool than we normally acknowledge...


The Earth always goes through enormous changes while maintaining the beauty of nature.

This is not just a series of beautiful fashion art pictures with some of the best ballet dancers and models in the world, it is a way for all of us together to create something different and greater through small and simple actions.

Arts For Future is an art project initiated by Andrea Belluso and Amanda Anderson to create something different in the world. In these times of fast change concerning the whole of humanity, a group of creatives and artists from different countries and crafts have come together to increase awareness around topics that expand on many different aspects of our lives on Planet Earth. Belluso and Anderson decided to take action after watching many great documentaries, in particular “A Life on our Planet” by Sir David Attenborough and after having some very interesting conversations with the Senior Editor of Robb Report Sweden and writer Britta Rossander. 

For the First Chapter of Arts For Future a great and joyful collaboration began with dancers from The Royal Swedish Opera and Nicholas Albert Khan, Ballet Master at The Royal Swedish Ballet.

Our goal is to create change with art, beauty and elegance, whereElegance” is obtaining the greatest result with the least amount of effort.


Arts For Future tells a story in several chapters through photographic art, where each chapter has its own visual language and message.

The first chapter of the project is “The Personification of Nature” which was produced in September 2020.

We are now offering a signed limited edition of 3 prints of each image.

All the profits of the sales of the first limited edition prints from Chapter 1were donated to The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. ( which Arts For Future supports.

The second chapter, “The Planet’s Lungs”, was produced in the rainforest of Calakmul in Mexico and Arts For Future supports the organisation og biologists of Amigos de Calakmul with the sale of all the remaining limited edition prints of Chapter 1 as well as all the prints from Chapter 2.

Chapter 1: The Personification of Nature

Arts For Future will continue creating different arts projects based on photography, dance, fashion, painters, sculptors and nature with different highlights and different types of imagery.

The first chapter, “The Personification of Nature” invites to a communion between mankind and nature.

Humans morphing into plants. Or is it plants showing us their connection to us?

This invites us to reflect on the separation between people and the gifts of Planet Earth.

During CArts for Future supported the actions of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

Chapter 2: The Planet’s Lungs

Chapter 2 was produced in Mexico, in the same rainforest that we donate all the proceeds of the sales of prints from Arts For Future to, the rainforest of Calakmul.

Chapter 2 is about two things, the first one, as the name of this chapter tells us, is about how the rainforests are the lungs of our planet and the second part of it is a tribute to the witches.
In this chapter you will see moderns women in the forest of Calakmul and you will also see the jaguars and other animals that live in Calakmul as well as visual insinuations to the spirits of the forest as well as the spirits of the original witches.

Back in the days witches were the ones with a huge knowledge and oneness with nature and the planet, something that most of the people did’t have.

Chapter 2 is very different visually to Chapter 1 and it is also a longer process.
What you see here are just some digital renditions of what Andrea Belluso is creating, something that in its final stage will be the result of photographic prints on different types of paper, including Japanese rice paper for its transparency, to replicate in a physical 3-dimentional form of what these digital renditions.

The other difference of this chapter is that other artists are being introduced with their interventions on the work shot in Calakmul, in their very individual ways and with different types of art.

This is just a small taster of what is coming.

who we are

The Founders of Arts For Future

Andrea Belluso

Photographer and creator of Arts for Future

Amanda A. Belluso

Executive producer and creator of Arts For Future

The original Swedish Film team of Arts For Future

Lars Bredenberg

Video DOP at Arts For Future

Rasmus Deckart

Video Cameraman at Arts For Future

Post-Production and Digital Manipulations

Pratik Naik

Retoucher and Digital Creator at Arts For Future (Chapter 1)


Team for Chapter One

Nicholas Albert Khan

Ballet Master at The Royal Swedish Ballet and Choreographer for Arts For Future Chapter 1

Samuele Ninci

Corps de Ballet at The Royal Swedish Ballet and dancer for Arts For Future Chapter 1

Eli Sverlander

First Photography Assistant to Mr. Belluso for Arts For Future Chapter 1

Isabel Gracian

Former Editor in Chief of Robb Report Sweden

Diana Tillström

Make-up Artist for Arts For Future Chapter 1

Luiza Lopes

First Soloist at The Royal Swedish Ballet and dancer for Arts For Future Chapter 1

Britta Rossander

Senior Editor of Robb Report Sweden and writer for Arts For Future Chapter 1

Team for Chapter 2

Isabel Gracian

Editor in Chief of Robb Report Sweden

Premium Visuals: Video Unit of Arts for Future

With the generous and kind support of Robb Report Sweden.

The magic of nature was brought to us by the kind contribution of Osmo Plant Shop

Arts For Future is supported by: